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◢ (ALL)IGN Group Coaching


Each month we will have 4 (60 MIN CALLS) including a kick off call & surprise guest healers.
I am here to tell you, YOU ARE LIMITLESS!
When we align with ourselves we align with the WORLD. 
We step into full RECEIVE mode.
I am ready for 16 Women Who Are OPEN & Ready to Create & Receive.
It takes 100% COMMITMENT from you to show up. The rest is MAGIC!
The (ALL)IGN Collective was born during a time when we needed support & connection the most. I realized years after launching Daughters of Culture that it would be impossible to do everything myself, but I still tried. & guess what? I burned out. My brain had gone into over mode of learning & integrating that I didn't have any more energy to create. What would a brand be without it's creativity? I had to sit with this lesson & learn over time to allow myself to receive help. It helped me get clear and focused on the areas I wanted to build. It left me with more open energy & possibility of growth. This was a hard 6 year lesson. What else came to manifest during this time was that I wanted to support other women that were in my very same position. So this meant me focusing my energy in a very systematic way, I looked at my work as a piece by piece pie chart.
If I wanted to give 100% to my mission & purpose what where the areas I truly wanted to focus on?
This is when I started to lay it all out, so much clarity was gained. As well as fear. Fear of letting go of this structure that was holding me together for so many years. But I knew that if I didn't step into this new paradigm I would just be on auto pilot & not truly FEEL my mission.
My mission got cleared when I opened myself to receive.
I hired sales associates, marketing support, photographers, graphic artists, I built a team around me that I felt completely aligned with. I didn't feel as though I needed to control everything anymore, I felt free of the heavy responsibility I had put on myself.
It was free-ing.
& I want this for you. I have created this group coaching experience as a way to teach you all the building elements of starting a business from ground up, one step at a time. So you can have fun while you are creating & building , and not resent your work down the line.
I did this completely alone, & it was a VERY lonely process. I wish I had a group of women who were going through similar experiences. I didn't, so I created the Sisterhood Agency.
This was born from a Healing Space in my Heart.
So if this feels like a YES for you I am ready to explore this journey with you!
MONTH 1: Creative + Branding + Visuals + YIN/YANG Alignment 
MONTH 2: Business Fundamentals + building multiple levels of income & strategizing your overall work flow
MONTH 3: Online + Social Media + Website + Outlets
Here are some area's we will focus on:
 Social Media Support
Authentic Branding
 Creating Tools to Support Your Business
 Integration Tools (Email, Webinars, etc)
 Tapping into the Feminine Awareness with Movement Practices
 Generating Internal Power & Energy
 Abundance Strategies 
 Worthiness Practices 
 Uncovering Money Blocks
 A Blueprint that feels Aligned
 Creative Structure Elements 
 Your Flow of Action Steps
 Sacred Daily Rituals 
 Visualization Activations + Focus Wheels
EXPAND YOURSELF in the community of Sisters!

The Process

We're ethically sourced: DOFC only uses fair trade materials produced in small batches by sustainable business models and environmentally friendly fabrics.

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