DOFC Creative Team
Uniting women of all cultures.
Visionaries of a Better World
Celebrating sisterhood and honoring the oneness of humanity and culture, the Brand merges original, dynamic images with the humanities, fashion and movement. The resulting creations are snapshots and silhouettes that are courageously inspired by travels, life and unique self-expression. The collection of trend-driven pieces reflects the active woman’s everyday lifestyle, meant to be worn effortlessly, everywhere.
Meet the collaborative brain trust of gurus behind Daughters of Culture: artist friends, designers, photographers, marketers, writers, dreamers, gypsies and world travelers. Lead by Peggy Khoucasian, we’ve come together to offer you the latest and greatest in culture and fashion, celebrating what it means to be a sisterhood of women.
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Peggy Khoucasian has worked with numerous local brands in a multitude of outlets, with a focus on women’s apparel. Her expertise spans activewear, contemporary and resort styles, and she has collaborated on trade shows, design meetings, photo shoot direction, and on-set styling. She also has experience working on the road as she travels extensively for both her brand and work-for-hire.
We welcome collaborations & projects with local artists!
Please send us an email with your aspirations & ideas for consideration